Monday, February 20, 2012

Can you safely check in a corked bottle of Duvel 750 ml aboard a commercial plane?

They don't sell Duvel where my Dad lives and he's thirsty for more.

Will the beer explode in the cargo hold of a regular plane? I don't like the idea of Duvel exploding in my luggage.Can you safely check in a corked bottle of Duvel 750 ml aboard a commercial plane?No, it won't explode.

The bottles are rated for pretty high pressure...more than what 30,000 feet of elevation will cause. Wine bottles don't hold as much pressure and I've checked numerous wine bottles in my luggage and they've arrived safely every time.Can you safely check in a corked bottle of Duvel 750 ml aboard a commercial plane?It shouldn't explode. Whenever I put booze or other liquids in my luggage put them in a sealed plastic bag (you can even take a trash bag and knot it around the bottle if you can't find a ziplock big enough). Then tuck it in the middle of soft clothes. That way if it breaks or leaks, it won't be a major disaster.

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