Thursday, February 23, 2012

How come that suicidal maniac who CRASHED his plane into that office building wasnt a TERRORIST ATTACK?

He was crazy! He intentionally crashed his plane on purpose into that building killing people. How was this not a terrorist attack? Do you have to be brown or Muslim for the same thing to be classified as a "terrorist attack"? What about that wackjob who blew up that building in Oklahoma in 1995 as NOT A TERRORIST ATTACK? They did that on purpose to scare and kill people! You cant be american or white and be a terrorist?How come that suicidal maniac who CRASHED his plane into that office building wasnt a TERRORIST ATTACK?This would be a good definition of "terrorism".

Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. Commonly definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians).

Joe Stack (the guy who flew the plan into the building) did not do it to create fear or terror within the public realm. It was a lone act and the IRS was specifically his target. As for the rest of your "rant" you are on a slippery slope and you make less sense than Joe Stack in his letter.

I have read and have a copy of his 6 page letter he wrote prior to his suicide. Unfortunately our government has removed the document from the internet so you can not find and read this document.

Joe Stack was not crazy. He was a very angry, frustrated man, who had enough of the way our government operate with one set of rules for the wealthy people with connections and another set of rules for you and me. Why did he do what he did? HE WANTS YOU TO WAKE UP AND EDUCATE YOURSELF AND STOP BELIEVING THAT THE GOVERNMENT IS FAIR AND JUST BECAUSE IT IS NOT ! (although his method of trying to get people to wake up and listen is rather extreme)

I do not condone violence.

However, I do understand the frustration that this man experienced in his life.

Frustration and anger are not exclusive to any color or race. They are emotions known to all of us.How come that suicidal maniac who CRASHED his plane into that office building wasnt a TERRORIST ATTACK?
He was a terrorist.How come that suicidal maniac who CRASHED his plane into that office building wasnt a TERRORIST ATTACK?Because he wasn't a terrorist so it wan't a terrorist attack.How come that suicidal maniac who CRASHED his plane into that office building wasnt a TERRORIST ATTACK?
To be fair, they called McVeigh a "domestic terrorist" but yeah, I have no idea why they don't call this an act of terrorism. maybe there is some body count rule or something.How come that suicidal maniac who CRASHED his plane into that office building wasnt a TERRORIST ATTACK?He was a terrorist
The funny thing is that the people who are saying this isn't a terrorist attack think the shooting on Fort Hood was a terrorist attack. You can't have it both ways, if the Fort Hood shooting was a terrorist attack, than certainly crashing your plane into an IRS building is also a terrorist attack.How come that suicidal maniac who CRASHED his plane into that office building wasnt a TERRORIST ATTACK?
Sure whatever... Let it be a terrorist attack what does it matter? Does it give them the right to put cameras in people's houses to make sure they aren't writing suicide notes?

How do we battle domestic terrorism?

It's an idea. Sounds like a terrible one!

There will always be nuts in society. Then there will just be some people who have had such a bad life, they get irate.
it wasnt. it was an IRS building, the guy just hated the IRS. Who doesnt hate the IRS??????

He left a letter for them too. They are still investigating it...How come that suicidal maniac who CRASHED his plane into that office building wasnt a TERRORIST ATTACK?
It is an act of terrorism committed by a terrorist but not committed on a battlefield and he is not an enemy combatant.

He is a lone terrorist, not motivated by religion or ideology. He is solely motivated by revenge and retribution.

Get your labels right. Words matter with this topic
Lots of things are terrifying but do not constitute terrorism. Examples would be a roller coaster or a Halloween ghost house. Another example would be a bank robber or home invader, at least if you are a victim. This guy in the airplane did not appear to have any ties to, or sympathies with, any terrorist organization or ideology. If we use the word, terrorism, to apply to anything illegal or frightening, then the word ceases to have any meaning at all.
He was a White American.
Whites can't be terrorist........

Jesus was white
because it was an inside job approved as a false flag operation by the obama regime!!!
Terrorists don't leave suicide notes.
It was just a random act of a deranged nutsack.
He targeted the IRS specifically, and left a large diatribe against the Government where he said in part, the only way to get their attention is with a body count.

He used violence to get attention for his cause, he is a terrorist.
well find sooner or later why he flew his plane into that building but in the time being

a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims %26lt;-- terrorist attack, so i guess their saying its does not seem to have anything to do with politics or religion so far,

the oklahoma bomber blew up that building because of his views on illegals or immigration. thus making it a political terrorist attack,
I was wondering when someone would finally ask this lol. The GOP was here ranting like crazy over the gov not calling the Christmas isolated attack, a "terrorist attack". Yet they are saying NOTHING now! Quite interesting and HYPOCRITICAL! I read yesterday that the Gov will not be looking at the latest home grown psycho as a terrorist . Although he carried out a terroristic attack on a Government building. And the GOP said that Americans don't fly airplanes into buildings LOL. So much for that lol.
You can guarantee.. .had a person.. with the same issues as Stack..( no more just exactly the same).. but with the name Ahmed Mohammed... carried out the same actions ... THAT HE WOULD BE BEING CALLED A TERRORIST.. and that once again all muslims would be being attacked verbally on here

McVeigh was a terrorist.. and this guy's actions were that of a terrorist.
It doesn't fit the definition as there was no organization or desire to scare people into changing their beliefs to fit another's but does fit the catagory of a crime. Just like people committing suicide by shooting at police officers - hoping to take as many with you as one can and to go out with a bang.

EDIT: McVie called on others to do the same thus the terrorist label. Ft Hood doctor was following the teachings of Islamic radical Imams who called on "true believers" to martyr themselves to force western culture to fail thus the terrorist label. You can't have it both ways, ie, change the definition to suit an anti-religion and or racist (anti-white) agenda.
People crash their cars every day. That doesn't mean our nation is overrun with terrorists. It was just your typical murder-suicide.

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