Monday, February 20, 2012

How do you solve the equation of a plane?

Determine the equation of the plane that lies between the points (-1, 2, 4) and (3, 1, -4) and is equidistant from them.How do you solve the equation of a plane?If you know the vector form of a plane then this is the answer.

r*n = a*n

where n is a vector perpendicular to the plane

a is a point on the plane

midpoint of both points = (-1+3)/2, (2+1)/2, (4-4)/2) = (1, 3/2, 0)

this point lies on the plane

a vector perpendicular to the plane can be found by

(-1 2 4) - (3 1 -4) = (-4 1 8)

so equation of plane is

r*(-4 1 8) = (1 3/2 0)(-4 1 8)

-4x+y+8z = -4 +3/2

-8x+2y+16z = 5

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