Friday, February 3, 2012

I have a stuck transfer case on my Suzuki Samurai. How do i fix it? It is stuck in nuetral.?

is it a stick? try pushing hard, if it's sticking you will have to rebuild the transfer case, so move the stick hard, don't be afraid you can't break what's already brokenI have a stuck transfer case on my Suzuki Samurai. How do i fix it? It is stuck in nuetral.?
all you need is to take out the shifter on the transfer case and replace the bushing on the shifter. A $25 fix. Any off road suzuki vendor has them or you can buy it at the dealer. Easy fix just remove the rubber boot from the top of the transfer case shifter inside the cab..

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I have a stuck transfer case on my Suzuki Samurai. How do i fix it? It is stuck in nuetral.?
Best way as far as I know is taking it to a tranny shop and having it fixed there. Be prepared to spend a couple thousand dollars for the repair good luck.

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